The Mentor Program is the fundamental support structure for students in the Upper School. Each student is assigned an Upper School faculty/staff member as a Mentor, to whom he can turn for informal counsel on matters of academic, social or personal concern. The Mentor also helps the student plan his academic and co-curricular programs. Ordinarily, a boy remains with the same mentor throughout his time in the Upper School, thereby allowing a supportive, ongoing relationship to develop. In addition, Mentors are the primary contact person for families and make regular reports to parents about their son’s adjustment and progress.
Mentor Groups, consisting of 10–12 boys each, meet regularly each week. Mentor Group meetings provide student support and the opportunity for general discussion of school life. Students have a responsibility to the other members of their group: regular attendance is of fundamental importance and is one of the defining characteristics of membership in the Crescent family. Boys have increasing responsibility for the group as they move through the grades.
The Mentor Senior is a co-leadership responsibility for Grade 12 students. Mentor Seniors serve as role models, discussion facilitators, and peer organizers within Mentor Group. They work collaboratively with the Faculty Mentor to plan, achieve, and reflect on the overall Mentor Group experience for members. The Mentor Senior is an important leadership position at Crescent School.