Family Handbook

Code of Character

Crescent, as a community, is rooted in four core values: respect, responsibility, honesty, and compassion. These positive values can become deep commitments that guide how we think and act. As such, they address areas of personal character and constitute a foundation for effective decision-making. In fact, character is established by conscientious adherence to a core set of values, not simply by good intentions or wishful thinking. Furthermore, each is an important predictor of both non-engagement in risk behaviours and achievement in thriving outcomes, such as school success.

These values underpin Crescent School’s expectations for student conduct. They will be maintained in a positive but firm manner. The purpose of the Code of Character is to maintain a learning and teaching environment that is healthy, safe, and supportive for all members of the community, and to ensure a high standard for personal and interpersonal development. Crescent School expects its students to become Men of Character from Boys of Promise – men who have the courage to behave respectfully, responsibly, honestly, and compassionately in all of their actions and relationships with others.

As a member of the Crescent community, every student commits to live by and model these values to the best of his ability.

List of 4 items.

  • Respect

    “I treat all people with respect and dignity. I also respect my school, my surroundings, and myself.”

    Respect is a positive attitude shown toward someone or something that is important. The principle of respect is meant to assure that Crescent remains a community in which each person is valued and valuable. Cultural diversity is celebrated, and individual differences are accepted.

    For example, each student is expected to:
    • demonstrate respect for self through personal integrity;
    • respect and ensure the safety of others;
    • work to eliminate all forms of disrespect in person, in writing and in social media; 
    • respect one’s surroundings in decorum, appearance, and interaction.
  • Responsibility

    “I accept and take personal responsibility for my words, attitudes, choices and actions.”

    Responsibility is a core value for living honourably. Honour is one of the most important qualities of a person’s character. It is a fundamental human quality that enables people to trust others and to be trustworthy. Honourable conduct pertains to all our actions and relationships with others, not solely academic work.

    For instance, each student is expected to:
    • think before he acts – consider the consequences;
    • demonstrate his best effort for academic and co-curricular tasks;
    • exercise self-control and self-discipline;
    • set a good example for others.
  • Honesty

    “I tell the truth even when it is not easy.”

    Honesty is defined as principled uprightness or fairness of conduct. Being honest is basic to the respect and goodwill under which Crescent School operates on a daily basis. The ability to recognize and tell the truth is what distinguishes one’s commitment to personal integrity.

    For instance, each student is expected to:
    • be honest – don’t lie, cheat, or steal;
    • be reliable – do what he says he’ll do;
    • have the courage to do the right thing;
    • submit his own work for tests and assignments.
  • Compassion

    “I reach out to support and care for others.”

    Compassion is a deep awareness or empathy of others that regards everybody with justice, equity and respect. The principle of compassion calls forth the golden rule: treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves. Compassion is about recognizing and celebrating each other’s basic humanity. 

    For example, each student is expected to:
    • recognize and express appreciation for others’ talents and skills;
    • recognize and help those less fortunate;
    • help and support others;
    • show concern for others in words and actions.
    As a member of the Crescent community, every student commits to live by and model these values to the best of his ability.