Family Handbook
Middle School

Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance is taken in each class. Parents must report known student absences in advance to the Attendance Office by email or phone. When reporting absences, please state the student’s name, grade and the date(s)/time(s) he will be missing school. Any unexplained absences (those not reported by phone message or email) will be followed up by the School. 

Parents in the Middle School must notify the Attendance Office at

Parents can also reach the Attendance Office by telephone at (416) 449-2556, ext. 300. Parents will be prompted to choose (2) for Middle School. If you have students in multiple divisions, you need only leave one message.

If the School has not been notified in advance, on returning from an absence, whether as a result of illness or other reasons, a parent or guardian should notify the Attendance Office with an explanation. It is the student’s responsibility to catch up on missed work and to prepare for assignments and tests. If a student misses more than five consecutive days of school, the School may ask for a signed note from a doctor.

Attendance in the Middle School is monitored through the Assistant Head of Middle School.

List of 2 items.

  • Late Arrival to Class

    If a Middle School student is late for class — arriving after 8:15 a.m. (9:15 a.m. on a Late Start day) he must enter through the Manor door and proceed directly to his classroom.

    To validate legitimate lateness (e.g. medical/dental appointments), a parent or guardian should notify the Attendance Office at or by telephone at (416) 449-2556 ext. 300 (press ‘2’) with an explanation.

    Student punctuality is an example of one’s “performance character” and thus is closely monitored by the School. Arriving late to class is disruptive to a boy, his classmates, the teacher and the School. It is important that lateness be kept to a minimum. A pattern of lateness without valid explanation will result in in a progressive disciplinary model. Such examples include:
    • Concerned inquiry meeting with Mentor
    • Formal meeting with Assistant Head of Middle School
    • Detention, plus formal meeting with parent(s) and Head of Middle School
    • One day in-school suspension
    • One day out-of-school suspension, plus parent(s) meeting with Head of School/designate
    • Probation, review of program/status at School, plus additional consequences at the discretion of the Head of School
  • Early Dismissal from Class

    If a student needs to leave early, he must sign out at the Attendance Office. A parent or guardian must provide advance notice to the Attendance Office at or (416) 449-2556 ext. 300 (press ‘2’) with an explanation to excuse any missed class time.