Every Crescent School student is a member of one of six Houses:

A student’s membership in a House is determined at the time of his admission to Crescent, and he is a member of that House for his entire school life.
A student represents his House in everything he does. With every contribution he makes in the classroom, on Innes Field, in the theatre or concert hall, or in any other co-curricular activity, the student generates House Points.
At the end of the school year, all the House points are tallied. The House that wins the intramural House competition is awarded the House Captains’ Cup. The House that has earned the greatest number of House points from athletic involvement is awarded the Colonel J.B. Rogers Trophy. The Lamp of Knowledge is presented to the House that has earned the greatest number of academic House points and the House that has excelled in academic, athletic, co-curricular and intramural aspects of the School is awarded the Dean Voutsas House Cup.