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Summer Academics

Summer Courses

    • Summer Learning graphic
Crescent's Summer Academic Program is taught on campus from Monday to Friday.
Courses are available for Grades 10 to 12 and will run from June 30 to July 25, 2025. The week of July 21 will be devoted to culminating tasks and final exams, all of which will take place on campus. There are no classes on Tuesday, July 1, 2025 (Canada Day).

Please read our Policies, Procedures and Codes of Conduct before registering.

Please note: the textbook list is being finalized and will be available on this website soon.

Course Descriptions

List of 1 items.

  • Geography, Grade 9 (CGC1W)

    Students will explore relationships within and between Canada’s natural and human systems and how they interconnect with other parts of the world. Students will also examine environmental and economic issues, and their impact related to topics such as natural resources and industries, careers, land use and responsible development, and sustainability. In addition, students will understand the connections that diverse communities and individuals have with the physical environment and each other throughout Canada, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit perspectives. Students will apply geographic thinking, use the geographic inquiry process, and use geospatial technologies throughout their investigations.

    Please note: This course is open only to students who are new to Crescent and are entering Grade 9 in September 2025.


List of 1 items.

  • Canadian History since WWI, Grade 10 (CHC2D)

    This course explores the local, national, and global forces that have shaped Canada’s national identity from World War I to the present. Students will investigate the challenge presented by economic, social, and technological changes and explore the contributions of individuals and groups to Canadian culture and society during this period. Students will use critical thinking and communication skills to evaluate various interpretations of the issues and events of the period and to present their own points of view. 

    Prerequisite: None

List of 4 items.

  • Biology, Grade 11, University Preparation (SB13U)

    This course furthers students’ understanding of the processes that occur in biological systems. Students will study theory and conduct investigations in the areas of biodiversity; evolution; genetic processes; the structure and function of animals; and the anatomy, growth, and function of plants. The course focuses on the theoretical aspects of the topics under study, and helps students refine skills related to scientific investigation.

    Prerequisite: Science, Grade 10, Academic
  • Environmental Science, Grade 11 (SVN3M)

    This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge of and skills relating to environmental science that will help them succeed in life after secondary school. Students will explore a range of topics, including the role of science in addressing contemporary environmental challenges; the impact of the environment on human health; sustainable agriculture and forestry; the reduction and management of waste; and the conservation of energy. Students will increase their scientific and environmental literacy and examine the interrelationships between science, the environment, and society in a variety of areas.

    This innovative course exists as part of a ground-breaking educational partnership with the University of Toronto and their Masters of Forestry Conservation program. Students will be afforded the valuable opportunity to experience research science firsthand through direct field work under the supervision of our partners at U of T. This summer a Masters level research project supervised by a Professor and his team will be unfolding in the Crescent Ravine, and students enrolled in this course will assist with the collection and analysis of data as part of this very unique stewardship project. 
    This course is designed for students interested in an immersive experiential learning environment and exposure to the post-secondary scientific process by providing daily opportunities to experience research science first hand. 

    This course requires a minimum enrollment of 9 students in order to be offered. 
    Prerequisite: Grade 10 Science, Academic or Applied

    Please note, the fee for this course is $2800.
  • Functions, Grade 11, University Preparation (MCR3U)

    This course introduces the mathematical concept of the function by extending students’ experiences with linear and quadratic relations. Students will investigate properties of discrete and continuous functions, including trigonometric and exponential functions; represent functions numerically, algebraically, and graphically; solve problems involving applications of functions; investigate inverse functions; and develop facility in determining equivalent algebraic expressions. Students will reason mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step problems.

    Prerequisite: Principles of Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic
  • Introduction to Computer Science, Grade 11, University Preparatory (ICS3U)

    This course introduces students to computer science. Students will design software independently and as part of a team, using industry-standard programming tools and applying the software development life-cycle model. They will also write and use subprograms within computer programs. Students will develop creative solutions for various types of problems as their understanding of the computing environment grows. They will also explore environmental and ergonomic issues, emerging research in computer science, and global career trends in computer-related fields. 

    Prerequisite: None

List of 6 items.

  • Advanced Functions, Grade 12 (MHF4U)

    This course extends students’ experience with functions. Students will investigate the properties of polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions; develop techniques for combining functions; broaden their understanding of rates of change; and develop facility in applying these concepts and skills. Students will also refine their use of the mathematical processes necessary for success in senior mathematics. This course is intended both for students taking the Calculus and Vectors course as a prerequisite for a university program and for those wishing to consolidate their understanding of mathematics before proceeding to any one of a variety of university programs.

    Prerequisite: Grade 11 Functions, University Preparation; or Grade 12 Mathematics for College Technology, College Preparation.

  • Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals, Grade 12 (BOH4M)

    This course focuses on the development of leadership skills used in managing a successful business. Students will analyze the role of a leader in business, with a focus on decision-making, management of group dynamics, workplace stress and conflict, motivation of employees, and planning. Effective business communication skills, ethics, and social responsibility are also emphasized.

    Prerequisites: None
  • English, Grade 12 (ENG4U)

    This course emphasizes the consolidation of the literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills necessary for success in academic and daily life. Students will analyse a range of challenging literary texts from various periods, countries, and cultures; interpret and evaluate informational and graphic texts; and create oral, written, and media texts in a variety of forms. An important focus will be on using academic language coherently and confidently, selecting the reading strategies best suited to particular texts and particular purposes for reading, and developing greater control in writing. The course is intended to prepare students for university, college, or the workplace.

    Prerequisite: English, Grade 11, University Preparation
  • Families in Canada, Grade 12 (HHS4U)

    This course enables students to draw on sociological, psychological, and anthropological theories and research to analyze the development of individuals, intimate relationships, and family and parent-child relationships. Students will focus on issues and challenges facing individuals and families in Canada’s diverse society. They will develop analytical tools that enable them to assess various factors affecting families and to consider policies and practices intended to support families in Canada. They will develop the investigative skills required to conduct and communicate the results of research on individuals, intimate relationships, and parent-child relationships. 

    Any university or university/college preparation course in social sciences and humanities, English, or Canadian and world studies
  • Grade 12 Manufacturing Engineering Technology (TMJ4M)

    This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills related to design, process planning, control systems, project management, quality assurance, and business operations. Students will use a broad range of tools and equipment, enhance their skills in computer-aided design, and collaborate in managing a project. Students will critically analyse and solve complex problems involved in manufacturing products. Students will expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues and of career opportunities in the manufacturing industry.

    This course will be taught by Mr. Tibor Torontali, the head of Technological studies at Crescent school and Honours Tech Specialist with the Ontario College of Teachers. In addition to his teaching qualifications, he is a licensed inter provincial red seal machinist with the College of Trades and prior to teaching was the owner and operator of  a manufacturing facility servicing the automotive, aerospace and prototype sector. Mr.Torontali also briefly taught manufacturing techniques at the University of Toronto before settling into a teaching career. 

    TDJ4M is a course that would appeal to the young inventor, those interested in learning about the design and manufacture of a product, and modern manufacturing techniques. 

    Please note, the fee for this course is $2650.

    Prerequisites: None
  • Mathematics of Data Management, Grade 12 (MDM4U)

    This course broadens students’ understanding of mathematics as it relates to managing data. Students will apply methods for organizing and analyzing large amounts of information; solve problems involving probability and statistics; and carry out a culminating investigation that integrates statistical concepts and skills. Students will also refine their use of the mathematical processes necessary for success in senior mathematics. Students planning to enter university programs in business, the social sciences, and the humanities will find this course of particular interest.

    Prerequisite: Grade 11 Functions, University Preparation; or Grade 11 Functions and Application, University/College Preparation