Family Handbook

Acceptable Computer Use (Students)

At the start of each school year, students must read and consent to the Acceptable Computer Use Contract. The Acceptable Computer Use Contract can be found in the Green Room and includes the following provisions:

Crescent School offers students the benefit of a wide variety of electronic information resources. Our network allows students to access information for educational purposes, including research and communication with classmates, teachers and others throughout the world. Access to the School network is a privilege and requires all students to behave responsibly while using it.

Students must consent to the Acceptable Computer Use contract in order to have access to the network. Parents have read and consented to the Acceptable Computer Use contract during the enrolment/re-enrolment process. Parents are encouraged to discuss the responsibilities outlined in the Acceptable Computer Use contract with their sons.

By consenting to the Student Acceptable Computer Use Contract, I acknowledge and agree to the following:

List of 11 items.

  • Network Accounts

    • I will not share my passwords with anyone.
    • I will change my passwords immediately if I suspect they have been compromised.
    • When I lend my account, I lend my reputation. I alone am responsible for any actions taken with my account, and will be subject to any consequences resulting from such actions.
    • I will log out when leaving a computer workstation.
    • I will never use any other person’s account to access the network.
  • Data Protection

    • I am responsible for backing up my own data. The School provides both network folders and unlimited Google Drive storage for backups. I understand that data saved to local hard drives may be lost at any time.
    • I will not encrypt files stored on the Crescent network in any way.
    • I will store only my own personal schoolwork files in my network folders.
    • I understand that the files stored in my personal network folder (“H drive”) will be retained for the duration of my Crescent career, and for one year following my graduation from the School.
    • One year after my graduation any files left in my network folder will be deleted.
  • Appropriate Use

    • I will use my Crescent network access for school-related activities only. Games and other non-school activities are not allowed unless I have explicit permission from a member of Crescent School staff.
    • If a breach of the Code of Conduct or the Acceptable Computer Use contract is suspected, or in the event that a student uses his device to break the law or conduct a cyber attack on the School, I understand that the Crescent School staff (including teachers) have the right to scan, review, and audit my stored files, Internet use history and other electronic communications. 
    • I will not use the Crescent School network to violate the copyright of any protected work. If I have questions about copyright I will ask a member of staff or faculty.
  • Internet and Social Media

    • I will access only appropriate websites.
    • If I am uncertain as to the appropriateness of a site or the appropriateness of communication (including instant messaging, email, picture messages, social media posts, etc.) to/from another person, place or organization, I will immediately contact a member of staff or faculty.
    • My conduct on the Internet and social media is governed by the Code of Conduct. This includes my conduct when using personal (BYOD) devices. 
    • I will never communicate via the Internet, social media, Crescent School’s network, or any electronic device in a manner that is contrary to the Code of Conduct. This includes — but is not limited to — “trolling”, “griefing”, “dog-piling”, “cyberbullying”, or any other form of online harassment.
    • I will never request inappropriate information, images or pictures from others.
    • I will not misrepresent my identity online or impersonate anyone else.
  • Email

    • I will never communicate via email in a manner that is contrary to the Code of Conduct. This includes “spamming”, mass emails, or use of mailing lists without permission.
    • I will use my School email for appropriate and school-related communication only.
    • I understand that it is my responsibility to check my School email regularly.
  • Security

    • I will never attempt to compromise the integrity or security of the Crescent network, or to affect the functioning of the network in any way.
    • If I should become aware of a potential breach of network security, I will immediately contact a member of staff or faculty.
    • I will not attempt to circumvent the security of the Crescent School network through the use of proxy servers, virtual private networks (VPNs), or by any other means.
  • Games

    • I understand that gaming — whether on my own (BYOD) or School-owned devices —may be restricted or prohibited during school hours.
  • Printing

    • I will print so as to minimize use of paper and toner.
    • I will not print multiple copies (more than three) on any printer without permission.
    • I will clean up unwanted output by recycling.
  • Crescent School Equipment

    • I assume full responsibility for the careful transportation, use and storage of any electronic device that is owned by Crescent School.
    • I will cooperate fully with teachers’ requests regarding timely and appropriate use of any device, both in and outside of class.
    • I acknowledge that I am responsible for the maintenance and careful use of Crescent School-owned equipment.
    • I acknowledge that, if I intentionally damage school-owned equipment or use it in a reckless manner, I may be responsible for reimbursing Crescent School for any and all costs associated with the repair or replacement of the equipment.
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for Grades 7–12 

    • I assume full responsibility for the careful transportation and storage of any electronic device I bring to the School under the BYOD program.
    • I will cooperate fully with teachers’ requests regarding timely and appropriate use of any device, both in and outside of class.
    • I acknowledge that I am responsible for the maintenance of my devices and their software. School staff are not required to repair damage, however caused, to my device or its software.
    • I understand that students are expected to arrive in class with a charged device, ready to use according to the lesson plan for that day. The IT Department does not lend computers or chargers. Electrical outlets and charging stations are available in various locations throughout the School.
  • General

    • I understand that my online conduct, in general, and possibly not specifically covered above, must be guided by the Code of Conduct that applies to all aspects of my life as a Crescent School student. I have read this contract carefully, discussed my responsibilities with my parent/guardian, and consent to its provisions.