Family Handbook
Lower School

Academic Integrity

It is important that your son’s school work should be done by him alone, unless he is involved in a group assignment. This allows his teachers to assess his performance accurately and provide academic support where necessary. If your son has difficulty with some homework or part of an assignment, he can ask family members or friends for assistance, but they should not do his work for him.

If a student uses a picture or other information from another source, he must tell us in writing in his assignment where he found the picture or information. He should provide us with the name of the book, author and page number. If it is from a website, he must provide as much information as possible. Academic integrity is very important to Crescent School, and cheating or using someone else’s work as a student’s own is not acceptable.

List of 2 items.

  • Homework

    Students need to do their own homework and projects. It is fine for parents to offer guidance, but they should support their sons in their own learning. If a student is having difficulty, the School will offer support.

    Good effort is expected on all assignments. If a boy has not completed his homework, he should inform the teacher before the start of class and preferably before the start of the day. Detentions may be given for incomplete homework. Homework expectations are outlined in your son’s Agenda and in the Green Room. Daily homework is posted in the Green Room and written in his Agenda.
  • Code of Conduct on Academic Matters

    Academic Discipline Procedures
    A teacher who suspects academic dishonesty will refer the matter to the Assistant Head of School. The Assistant Head and the teacher may deal with the issue themselves and apply an appropriate sanction. Decisions regarding any repeated offences will include the involvement of the Head of School and the Home Form Teacher. Possible sanctions are:
    • academic consequences;
    • parental involvement;
    • oral or written reprimand;
    • oral or written reprimand and re-submission of work;
    • grade of zero or failure for the piece of work;
    • grade of zero or failure for the course;
    • suspension; and
    • expulsion.

    A notation of the sanctions may be placed on the student’s Ontario Student Record.