Our Mission: Men of Character from Boys of Promise.
Crescent is dedicated to helping boys unleash their potential so that they can make a positive difference in the world.
Character is multifaceted: strong moral character leads to self-awareness and integrity; performance character builds resilience, leadership, and the ability to seize opportunities; and civic character is rooted in serving others and making a difference in society. Men of character leave a lasting impact on those around them.
Crescent is a boys’ school by design. We understand boys so they can understand themselves; we believe in boys so they can believe in themselves, and we care deeply about boys so they can learn to love themselves and love others. By surrounding boys of promise with caring role models who embody our core values and are dedicated to their growth, we unlock their limitless potential in our ever-changing world.
Our Values
Our four core values embody the essential behaviours that reflect moral character and are foundational to the School's mission.