Family Handbook

Acceptable Computer Use (Parents)

Every parent must read and consent to the Acceptable Computer Use Contract that is circulated with the school enrolment/re-enrolment package. The Acceptable Computer Use Contract includes the following provisions:

Crescent School offers students the benefit of a wide variety of electronic information resources. Our network allows students to access information for educational purposes, including research and communication with classmates, teachers and others throughout the world. Access to the School network is a privilege and requires all students to behave responsibly while using it.

Parents are encouraged to discuss the responsibilities outlined in the Acceptable Computer Use agreement with their son.

List of 5 items.

  • The Internet

    While Crescent uses industry standard technological measures to filter inappropriate content, the parent understands that the Internet provides access to sites all over the world. The Student is responsible for his own actions, and the parent understands that the School cannot guarantee that contact with inappropriate sites and/or inappropriate communication will not occur. 
  • School-Owned Equipment

    The parent understands that damage to the computer equipment provided by the School harms educational opportunities for all students and that attempts to gain unauthorized access to the School network have the potential of harming the security and privacy of the entire community.

    Intentional damage, tampering, or unauthorized access to computers or network resources will not be tolerated. “Hacking”, unauthorized access, “trolling”, “cyber-bullying” and any other forms of online harassment are regarded as serious infractions and may result in disciplinary action.

    The parent understands that, in the event that their child/ward is found to be responsible for intentional damage or tampering with computer equipment provided by the School, the parent may be responsible for reimbursement for any and all costs associated with the repair or the replacement of the equipment.
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

    The parent authorizes the Student to bring a computing or personal electronic device to the School as part of the BYOD program, and understands that the School takes no responsibility for the use, misuse, damage, breakage, theft or loss of the device.

    The parent understands that the Student bears full responsibility for the careful transportation and storage of any computing device he is allowed to bring to Crescent School.

    The parent acknowledges that the Student is responsible for the maintenance of his device and its software. School staff are not required to repair damage, however caused, to the device or its software.

    Students are expected to arrive in class with a charged device, ready to use according to the lesson plan for that day. The School’s IT Department does not lend computers or chargers. Electrical outlets and charging stations are available in various locations throughout the School.

    The parent shall hold harmless and indemnify the School against the loss of, or damage to, any computing device(s) the Student uses as part of the BYOD program.
  • Security and Privacy

    The parent understands that the School uses monitoring technology to ensure the security and privacy of data on the School network and that the School reserves the right to monitor and reveal communications to the appropriate authorities relating to incidents of harassment or threats.

    The parent understands that the School stores student and family data online, remotely, or in the “cloud”. The online education services providing this storage have been vetted to ensure they meet appropriate standards in so much as they do not improperly collect, use or disclose students’ personal information (as per the MFIPPA and The Education Act). The School may use this information to create data analytics to provide insights into teaching and learning practices. 
  • General

    The parent understands that the Student’s online conduct must be guided by the Code of Conduct that applies to all aspects of daily life at the School, including the use of electronic devices, the Internet, and the School network. The parent agrees to discuss with the Student his responsibilities that apply as a user of the School network.