Family Handbook
Lower School

Attendance and Punctuality

Parents must report known student absences in advance to the Attendance Office by email or phone before 8 a.m. When reporting absences, please state the student’s name, grade and the date(s)/time(s) he will be missing school. Attendance will be taken in the Home Form class at 8:25 a.m. Any unexplained absences (those not reported by phone message or email) will be followed up by the School. 

Parents in the Lower School must notify the Attendance Office at and cc the student’s Home Form teacher.

Parents can also reach the Attendance Office by telephone at (416) 449-2556, ext. 300. Parents will be prompted to choose (1) for Lower School. If you have students in multiple divisions, you need only leave one message.

If the School has not been notified in advance, on returning from an absence, whether as a result of illness or other reasons, a parent or guardian should notify the Attendance Office with an explanation. 

List of 2 items.

  • Late Arrival to Class

    If a Lower School student is late for school – arriving after 8:20 a.m. (9:20 a.m. on a Late Start day) – he must enter through the front door of the Manor and proceed to class. He will be marked "Late" by his Home Form teacher.

    Arriving late is quite disruptive to a boy and his class.  It is very difficult for the boys to start the day well when they are late arriving at school.
  • Before and After School Care

    CoyoteCare offers before- and after-school supervision to our Lower School families who require childcare outside of regular school hours.

    Students in Grades 3–6 can be dropped off before school starts, and/or remain at school beyond dismissal time. The program will consist of a healthy snack, homework time, well-being time, outside physical activity breaks whenever possible and fun activities suited to the participants enrolled.

    You can find more information about CoyoteCare in the Green Room.