Crescent School Welcomes You

This online resource provides the information your family needs to prepare for Crescent School this September.

Welcome New Families

Dear Crescent Family,

I am delighted that you have chosen Crescent School for your son’s education.

Your son is joining a Crescent brotherhood that will have an enduring and positive influence on his life. He will gain relevant and future-ready knowledge essential for an unknown and constantly evolving future. We prioritize character development in all our curricular and co-curricular programs because we know how desperately the world needs good men. 

The development of Men of Character from Boys of Promise happens best when fostered by a supportive relationship between school and family. Our partnership is key to your son’s success and we aim to make Crescent a rewarding experience for your entire family. 

Let me assure you that everyone here — faculty and staff, students, families and alumni — will do everything possible to make you and your son feel at home in the Crescent community.

A family’s nervous excitement is understandable when starting a new school. Many of your immediate questions should be answered below. My colleagues and I are always happy to discuss any additional questions you may have.

We can’t wait to welcome your son to Crescent School.

Michael Fellin P’24

Important Fall Dates

Tuesday, September 3: Orientation for all Grade 3 & 9 students, and new Grade 7 & 8 students w/student buddies

Wednesday, September 4: First Day of Classes for All Students

Friday, October 11 through Monday, October 14: Thanksgiving Break

Friday, November 8 through Monday, November 11: Fall Mid-Term Break

Friday, December 20 through Friday, January 3: Winter Holiday

Click here for a full list of 2024–2025 Statutory and School Holidays.

Essential Contact Information

School Reception:
(416) 449-2556

Enrolment Team:
(416) 449-2556 ext. 466
Coyote’s Den (school store):
Crescent Wellness Centre:
(416) 449-2556 ext. 252

Don't miss an important message from the Crescent Parent Association (CPA) at the bottom of this webpage.
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events.


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    This annual Crescent Parent Association (CPA) tradition is a great opportunity for new parents to meet new friends as we kick off a new school year.

    Coffee in the Courtyard takes place in the Manor House Courtyard on Friday, September 6 from 8:30–10 a.m.

    More information will be provided in August. 

    Grade 7 and Grade 9 students will be travelling to Camp Manitou for grade-specific retreats between October 7 and 9, 2024. More information will be shared in September.


There are some things you can start doing right away to get ready for the new school year.

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    The Green Room is Crescent’s intranet site for parents, students and faculty. It is your family’s source for all matters relating to Crescent. Here you will find school news, information resources, the school calendar and the faculty directory. Once school begins, this is where you will access your son’s course list, class schedule, assignments and more. Permission form notifications are accessed through the Green Room, as are your son’s report cards.

    You already accessed the Green Room during the enrolment process. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the information in the Resources tab or the featured content in the News tab. Please use the same email address and password that you used previously.

    Parents may log into the Green Room using this URL:

    You will need to be logged in to the Green Room to access many links contained on this webpage. If you have forgotten your password, click on “Forgot login or First time logging in?”

    Note: New students will receive their Green Room login username and password when school starts.


    While you’re in the Green Room, please take a moment to check your contact information and privacy settings. Please note that each parent must sign into the Green Room separately to update their own contact information. Please ensure that all contact information details are entered.

    Ontario’s Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) requires parents of children attending elementary and secondary school to provide their local health unit with proof of their child’s immunization against the following designated diseases: measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, meningococcal, whooping cough (pertussis), and chickenpox (only applies to kids born on or after 2010).

    Please report all of your child's previous immunizations to Toronto Public Health through ICON (Immunization Connect Ontario), a secure online system for submitting student immunization information to Toronto Public Health. Students who do not have up-to-date mandatory vaccinations risk school suspension imposed by Toronto Public Health.

    Your son will need to be dressed in his Number One uniform for the first day of classes. All school uniform needs can be met at Coyote’s Den, Crescent’s on-campus store.

    The store is closed for the summer. Please see the Coyote’s Den section below for store information and uniform requirements.

    Middle and Upper School students must purchase their own textbooks before school begins. Look under the heading “TEXTBOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES & MUSIC INSTRUMENTS” below for more information.

    All secondary school students in Ontario must complete 40 hours of community service to receive their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The Crescent School Diploma requires Grade 9 students to earn all 40 community service hours in their Grade 9 year.

    Grade 9 students can start collecting volunteer hours after graduating from Grade 8. In other words, they can begin earning community hours that will count toward their 40-in-9 immediately.

    Crescent uses the x2VOL program to help students track their community service hours. New students will be trained on this program during their orientation on September 3. It is important that students keep a record of the community service hours earned over the summer and the contact information from their community service supervisor who will need to verify their hours once they have been signed up on the platform.

    Medical forms will be issued in August via the Green Room.


Coyote’s Den is Crescent’s one-stop shop on campus. It carries all Crescent uniform items, sports equipment, school supplies, spirit wear and other Crescent-branded items. 

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    The Coyote’s Den online store reopens on Monday, August 19th. Online orders will be filled beginning Tuesday, August 20. You will receive an email when your order has been filled along with times to collect your orders.

    The Coyote’s Den campus store will be open for back-to-school shopping on the following days:
    Wednesday, August 21 and Thursday, August 22 from 9–11:30 a.m
    Monday, August 26 through Thursday, August 29 from 9–11:30 a.m. and 1–3 p.m.
    Tuesday, September 3 from 9–11:30 a.m. and 1–3 p.m.

    New students were encouraged to schedule their uniform fittings before June 7. If you were not able to schedule a fitting, please contact the Coyote’s Den on or after August 19 to schedule an appointment.

    The Coyote’s Den accepts Debit, Visa and MasterCard. Purchases charged to the Student Billing Account are not permitted for back-to-school sales.

    If your son grows over the summer, unworn and still-tagged merchandise purchased before June 7 can be exchanged or returned at the Coyote’s Den from August 21 to September 30.

    Students are expected to come to school dressed in uniform. The school has different uniform requirements.

    Click here to download the Crescent School Uniform Flyer.

    Click here to download a uniform shopping list.

    Number One Dress 
    • This is the formal uniform to be worn every Tuesday and at all official school functions, e.g. special programs, guest speakers, Remembrance Day, Winter Celebration, Closing Ceremonies, and other designated occasions.
    • Number One Dress features the Crescent blazer, grey flannel pants, white Oxford dress shirt, House tie or another official School tie, dress socks (any style or colour), black leather belt, and black, polishable shoes.
    • New boys received their House tie on the first day of school.
    Number Two Dress
    • Number Two Dress is less formal and does not require a blazer. The uniform items vary slightly between School divisions.
    Warm Weather Dress
    • During warmer months, students have the option of wearing Crescent-branded polo golf shirts and lighter-weight pants.
    • The start and end of warm weather dress is designated by the Head of School.
    Athletic Uniform
    • Clothing for gym and athletic teams must be purchased through the Den.

    The Coyote’s Den online store can be accessed here.

    For your convenience, you can purchase the Crescent uniform online as well. The uniform sizing chart can assist you with your purchases.

    When you create an online account with the Coyote’s Den online store, please include your email address. Alerts and notifications about your order are sent by email only.  Please add your son’s name and grade in the shipping field.

    When your order is ready, you will receive an email asking you to book a curbside pick-up appointment. 

    The Coyote’s Den does not offer shipping.


*NEW* Crescent has a new cell phone and personal electronic devices policy effective September 2024. Read Deputy Headmaster Nick Kovacs’ June 10 message to the Crescent community for more information about this policy.

Make sure your son has the right technology to set him up for success.

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    Lower School students (Grades 3–6) are issued Chromebooks for use at school. Personal computing devices from home are not required in this division.

    Students in Grades 7 to 12 are required to bring their own computing devices to class. Students may use the device of their choice—Mac, PC, netbook, tablet—for taking notes, working on projects with classmates, completing assignments, and doing homework. Any device with wireless capacity will work on Crescent’s system. We do recommend a minimum of 8 GB of RAM and at least a 256 GB hard drive.

    Students must bring their devices to school every day throughout the school year.


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    Textbooks and Supplies
    Notebooks, classroom resources, and an agenda will be provided by the school and charged to the Student Billing Account.

    In August, parents will receive a list of supplies that parents will need to purchase and send with the student on the first day of school.

    *UPDATE* Textbooks and Supplies
    Middle School students will receive a portfolio/computer bag and a lock. They will also receive an agenda which will be charged to their Student Billing Account. Students entering Crescent in Grade 8 will receive a calculator and pencil case. Families will need to purchase the remaining supplies before the beginning of the school year. 
    Grade 8 students take Grade 9 Geography and Grade 9 French and, therefore, will need to purchase these textbooks online through The Batner Bookstore or from other sources if you wish.
    *UPDATE* Musical Instruments
    All Middle School students take Instrumental Music as part of the arts curriculum. The music program at Crescent centres on brass, woodwind and percussion instruments.
    Students must also supply the instruments they will play. If the student does not own his instrument, he may rent one through the school. 

    An instrument preference and rental form was due on June 7. If you did not submit this form, please contact Mr. Vince Volpe, Middle School music teacher, after August 26 at

    Grade 7 & 8 students new to Crescent will be partnered with a student buddy. Students will meet their buddies at the student orientation session on Tuesday, September 3.


    *UPDATE* Textbooks 
    Click here to view the 2024/2025 textbook list for Upper School students. Students must provide their own textbooks which can be purchased through The Batner Bookstore or from other sources if you wish. 

    *UPDATE* Musical Instruments 
    Upper School students may take instrumental music as a course elective. The music program at Crescent centres on brass, woodwind and percussion instruments. Students must supply the instruments they will play. If the student does not own his instrument, he may rent one through the school. 

    If your son is taking instrumental music next year, you should have received an instrument preference and rental form, which was due on June 7. If you did not submit this form, please contact Mr. Harry TImmermans, Upper School music teacher, after August 26 at


Crescent doesn’t slow down when the school year ends—our campus bustles with activity all year long. See if one of these programs is right for your family.

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    Crescent Camps are open to boys and girls ages 4–13. We offer engaging programs that reflect Crescent School’s excellence in technology, business, athletics, leadership and the arts. 

    Crescent Camps provide a way for new students to become familiar with the school. Many of the programs are led by Crescent faculty and are attended by other Crescent students. Students enrolled in the on-campus programs can experience the school in a fun and relaxed setting to ease first-day-of-school jitters.

    Click here to learn more about Crescent Camps.


    For boys entering Grades 3 through 9, we offer a special one-week summer program from August 19–23. These optional half-day programs are designed to consolidate math and literacy skills to help the boys transition smoothly into the new school year. Taught by Crescent teachers, they’re a great way for the boys to make new friends and adjust to their new school while preparing for our advanced curriculum.

    Click here to learn more about our Successful Start program and to register.


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    Every Crescent student is a member of one of six Houses: Cartier, Hudson, Wolfe, Mackenzie, Massey and Simcoe. Your son will be assigned to his House and receive his House tie on the first day of school. 

    We try to assign boys to the same House as their other family members who currently attend or previously attended Crescent. 

    Crescent has a robust selection of co-curricular activities to satisfy a wide variety of interests. Our Character-in-Action programs provide our students with authentic opportunities to develop character outside of the classroom. We have signature programs in athletics, arts, business, outreach and robotics, plus many more. You can learn more about Crescent's Character-in-Action Programs on our website.

    Most teams and clubs will post sign-up information in September. Fall athletic tryouts generally take place during the first week of school. Please refer to this webpage to see which athletic teams and intramurals are offered during each term.

    Each student in Grades 4 to 12 is assigned a locker. Lower School students (Grades 4–6) do not use locks on their lockers. Middle and Upper School students must purchase their locks from the Coyote’s Den. Locks purchased outside the school are not permitted. Grade 3 students have cubbies in their home form.

    In Lower and Middle Schools, the Form Teachers serve as the boys’ Mentors. In Upper School, each student is assigned a faculty member as their Mentor, and the student retains the same Mentor for all his Upper School years.

    Middle and Upper School students meet regularly in Mentor Groups to discuss school events and commemorations, world issues and a myriad of other topics. Your son’s Mentor will be your family’s primary contact with Crescent School.


Lunch is provided for all Crescent students and is part of tuition. Each day there is a selection of hot entrees with sides and vegetables, soup, salad, and sandwich bars, dessert and fresh fruit. All meals and snacks provided by Crescent are peanut- and nut-free. Crescent food services are provided by SAGE Dining.

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    The daily lunch menu can be accessed from the SAGE website and from the What’s For Lunch resource tile in the Green Room. The menu is also available on the Touch of SAGE app, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. (Use the postal code M2L 1A2 (with space) in the location field to search for Crescent School). This video provides instructions on how to use the Touch of SAGE app.

    SAGE follows a comprehensive allergen management program that covers everything from purchasing and deliveries to food preparation and service to ensure community members with food allergies feel safe and included. The daily menu can be filtered for 12 priority allergens (wheat, gluten, eggs, fish, milk, sesame, soy, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, mustard, and sulphites) and two eating patterns (vegetarian and vegan) to assist people with dietary restrictions.

    Please send an email to if you have questions relating to your son's special dietary needs for religious, health or lifestyle reasons. The team at SAGE will be happy to give you a tour of the kitchen, show you ingredients, and discuss any concerns about their food allergy protocols. Please be sure to include information about your son’s food allergies or special dietary needs on his medical form which will be sent to you this summer.


A Warm Welcome from the Crescent Parent Association

CPA logo

Welcome to Crescent School!

On behalf of the Crescent Parent Association (CPA), we are delighted to welcome you to Crescent School. The CPA is a parent volunteer organization dedicated to bringing families together within our vibrant community. Our mission is to work in partnership with the School, coordinating many activities throughout the year to build Crescent’s unique sense of community. We achieve this through social, fundraising and outreach initiatives.

One of the best ways to meet other families and get to know your son’s new school is by volunteering for the CPA in whatever capacity you are able; there are many opportunities to be involved. Visit the CPA Resources tile in the Green Room and click on the “Volunteer Signup" link to learn more.
The CPA is here to assist you in whatever way we can. We look forward to meeting you.
Jacintha Doner P’23, ’25
CPA President 2023/2024
  Mia Singer P’25, ’29
CPA President 2024/2025

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    This annual Crescent Parent Association (CPA) tradition is a great opportunity for new parents to meet new friends as we kick off a new school year.

    Coffee in the Courtyard takes place in the Manor House Courtyard on Friday, September 6 from 8:30–10 a.m.

    More information will be provided in August. 

    All parents of Crescent School are members of the CPA and new participants are warmly welcomed. There are many ways to get involved and a range of time commitments. Volunteering is a great way for new parents to get to know other families.

    If you are interested in learning more, please check the CPA resource post in the Green Room or email incoming CPA President Mia Singer at