Getting To Know Head Boy Jackson Rosenhek ’25

What is your favourite activity/hobby?
I grew up watching Turner Classic Movies at my grandparents’ house. Some of my favourite movies are from the 60s and 70s, like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Mary Poppins. I probably watched 30 movies over the summer!

What is the most important thing you've read?
I read George Orwell's 1984 for the first time in Grade 7, and I've read it nearly every year since. It has some really important messages, like being an individual in a crowd, thinking for yourself, and standing for what you believe is right.
Do you have any pets?
I have a dog, Archie. He's from a shelter in Korea. He always has one ear pointed up in a triangle and the other one's sort of flopped over. He's the center of our household and we pamper him constantly. 
What is your favourite way to spend a Saturday?
I definitely try to sleep in as late as possible. Then I start doing all the tasks that are left over from the last week. Hopefully, I can get those done by the afternoon and then I'll go out for dinner with my friends and then hang out in the evening with them.
What is your favourite holiday?
I love Thanksgiving because you can celebrate it with so many people, even if they’re from a different religion or ethnic group. My brothers come home from university, so my family's all together. And I really like my mom's turkey.
What is your favourite song?
I really like music, so that probably changes a couple of times a month. Right now I'd say it's the song “Something” by the Beatles.
What is your most treasured possession?
I have a couple of glass paperweights that I keep on my desk. They were my grandfather's, and then my dad's, and now they're mine. They're really beautiful, handmade glass blown with floral patterns. 
Which talent would you most like to have?
It's a bit cliché, but I would like to be able to motivate and inspire the people around me through my actions and through my words and lead people. 
What do you want to be "when you grow up?"
My brothers have a long-running joke that this has changed every month or every year since I was probably 10 years old. I know that I want to do something where I can continuously learn and challenge myself. I also want to have a positive impact on people. 
What was one of the most memorable projects you did at Crescent?
In AP seminar last year, I worked on a project where we looked into the causes and effects of youth homelessness in Canada. I got to work with some guys I had never worked with, never even had a class with before. It was rewarding to be able to dive into a really big issue with them. I also got to work on my research skills and my presentation skills.
What is your favourite memory of Crescent School?
Friday Night Lights is the Crescent event. Rugby FNL last year was great because it was the end of the school year and I was getting ready for Grade 12, which I knew would be busy. Lots of grads come back and they're telling you about all their stuff at university. I often see my friends’ younger siblings, too, who are getting ready to come to Crescent. It’s an event that brings all different parts of the community together.
What advice would you give to a Grade 3 Crescent student today?
I would tell them that they have so much time to explore and try all sorts of different things at this stage of their lives. Join that club, talk to that person you've never spoken to before in your grade, try a new sport. Going through lots of experiences will help you make important decisions in Grade 12 when you have to consider your post-secondary life.