A Message of Allyship & Unity

Crescent marked the beginning of Black History Month with a full-school assembly on Thursday, February 6. Guest speaker Kimberley Rampersad, Associate Artistic Director at the Shaw Festival, spoke about her work in predominantly and historically white spaces and encouraged boys to speak up and be allies to their Black peers during difficult situations. " I invite you all to remember that Black history is everybody's history,” she said. “We are all orchestrating these plays together. Some are leaders, some are scene partners or musicians, but we're all involved.”

Over the month of February, discussions were held in each division during Home Form and Mentor Group where themes like legacy and leadership, allyship, and the power of individual stories and experiences were explored. 

In Upper School, Crescent’s Black Student Association (BSA) assisted with programming for the month. This included a lively and fun hip-hop dance workshop on Wednesday, February 19, with dancer and choreographer Trevino Williams of the Toronto Raptors and the Toronto Argos. The boys had the chance to learn some moves from Williams and ask him about his work and background as a dancer. The BSA also held a lunch and learn event on February 12 that featured a panel discussion with their members.

Unfortunately, the African drumming and dance performance by The Friday Night Drummers planned for February 13 was cancelled due to the snow day.