Team 610 End Their Season as Divisional Finalists

Earlier this month, Team 610 experienced a malfunctioning mechanism on their robot during the FIRST Ontario Provincial Championships that nearly stymied their playoff run. Fortunately, they squeaked into the World Championships thanks to their robot design, which earned them the Creativity Award. From April 19 to 23, Team 610 traveled to Houston, Texas for the FIRST World Championships and ended their 2023 season as divisional finalists, competing with more than 700 of the best robots in the world. 

During Thursday's qualification action, their robot encountered a series of electrical failures that required the operator, Kody, to manually operate the robot without presets. Nonetheless, the pit crew and drive team managed extremely well and overcame these failures, coming home with a record of 6-4 and 30th in the Hopper division of 78 robots.

In Saturday's playoffs, they formed an alliance with teams from Illinois, Maryland, and Arizona. Together, they qualified all the way to the divisional finals before falling short to the soon-to-be world champions, the Hopper alliance. Along with Team 2609 Beaverworx from Guelph, Ontario, the Hopper alliance won the World Championship finals, bringing home Canada's fourth-ever world banner. (Team 610 was a world champion in 2013.)

“We had a great time in Houston competing and meeting peers from all over the world,” says Communications Executive Leo Liu ’23. “Team 610 sincerely thank you for your continued support throughout the length of the season, and cannot wait for what is to come in the future.”