Crescent’s Concussion Strategy: Going Beyond Rowan’s Law

Concussions are one of the most common injuries in children and youth, and they can happen anywhere, with potentially long-lasting effects. If not properly managed, concussions can result in significant physical, mental, emotional and behavioural difficulties.

That’s why Crescent School takes its concussion strategy very seriously, partnering with Holland Bloorview Concussion Centre to deliver training and care that exceeds the requirements of Rowan’s Law, Ontario’s new concussion safety legislation.

The Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety) Act requires amateur sport organizations to establish a concussion code of conduct, a removal-from-sport protocol for athletes who are suspected of having a concussion, and a return-to-sport protocol for athletes who have sustained a concussion. The law does not yet require school boards and independent schools to establish and comply with protocols for students with concussion.

Crescent’s partnership with Holland Bloorview began in 2016. The concussion education, protocols and treatment services provided through this partnership, which align with Rowan’s Law, apply to all Crescent students, not just those involved in athletics.

Holland Bloorview is Canada’s largest children’s rehabilitation hospital and its concussion centre is a world leader in youth concussion care, education and research. Through Crescent’s concussion strategy, training on how to prevent, identify and manage concussion is provided by Holland Bloorview to staff and faculty each year. In addition, Dr. Nick Reed, Clinical Scientist and Co-Director of Holland Bloorview Concussion Centre, speaks to parents of Crescent about the latest concussion research and treatments.

Watch the video: Dr. Nick Reed of Holland Bloorview Concussion Centre speaks to Crescent School parents about concussion prevention and treatment